

2025第六屆歐洲先進教育技術學術會議(EAET 2025),將於2025年3月28日至30日在英國倫敦帝國理工學院舉行。香港亞洲商學院當選為本次會議的學術支持及技術委員會主席單位。


Warm welcome to the official website of 2025 6th European Advanced Educational Technology Conference (EAET 2025). The conference will be held at the Imperial College London, London, UK, from the 28th to the 30th of March, 2025. The aim of the EAET 2025 is to provide scholars, faculty, researchers, students and administrators with an excellent opportunity to convene with colleagues from many countries and discuss innovative ideas and changes in education, results and outcomes of theories and practice in the area of educational technology.


Topics are: Instructional Design; Learning and Technology; Teaching and Technology; Learning and Teaching Processes; Distance Education; E-Learning; Teacher Training; Life Long Learning and Technology; Learner Needs in 21 Century; New Approaches in Educational Technology, etc.

Keynote & Plenary Speakers(主題演講者)

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Prof. Nathan Clarke

University of Plymouth, United Kingdom

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Shuliang Li

PhD, Life Fellow of the British Computer Society,

Reader in Business Information Management & Systems,

University of Westminster, United Kingdom

(Also Sichuan 100-Talent Scheme Visiting Professor at Southwest Jiaotong University, China)

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Prof. William Hurst

Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands


Prof. Joanne Roberts

University of Southampton, United Kingdom


Dr. Yu-Wang Chen

University of Manchester, United Kingdom

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Dr. Evgeny Pyshkin

University of Aizu, Japan
